Wednesday, April 27, 2011


期末在即,上周给恬复习中文,这个学期所学的竟然只记住了5,6个字。除了检讨自己的督促不力之外,更深感中文学校的无用。看来还是靠人不如靠己,这个暑假正好是一个可以做实验的时候,到时候看看自己教是不是会效果好一点。在网上搜了一通,发现国内的教材和网站都很齐全,只要自己制定一个教学的纲要,找一些资料,应该不是很难。自己过去也编过教中文的软件,有的东西真的还可以再拾起来,用在自己的孩子身上。 昨晚也给恬做了一次K班的数学技能测试,她除了认钱和10以内的减法差一点以外,其他还好。


纪姊妹送来一则邮件,其中有BAD(Bossy, Angry, Distant)和FAT(Faithful, Available, Transparent)的父母风格,可以引以为戒。

Tuesday, April 26, 2011


昨晚吃完晚饭时间还早,就带了小朋友去了社区图书馆。T找到两本书, Mouse Shapes, The Giving Tree, 坐在小桌子旁边就开始旁若无人大声朗读起来。让我吃惊的是她基本没有几个不会读的字。看来最近半年的进步很大。回想起自己6岁的时候刚刚开始接触读书,直接从小人书过渡到字书,放假的时候,妈妈带我去上班,我就在图书馆的书库里消磨一整天。希望T也能和我一样在读书中发现一个更有趣的世界。


Thursday, April 21, 2011


Wrote these today in response to Moo's email about Death.

14 years ago I experienced my first “death touch” after lost my mom to an accident. I spent months in vein trying to make sense the meaning of it. Life to me, at that moment, was meaningless and irredeemable if death is the ultimate purpose. I remembered one evening I was sitting on a hill overlooking the port city Debuque, watching the sun setting on Mississippi River; it dawned on me that in the grand scheme of things life never ceases to exist. As sun will rise again in tomorrow, life will rise again from death and transcend it.

Some years later, my mom came to my dream soon after my baptism, we had a vivid conversation that I still remember today. She told me exactly the same thing I read in the scripture - “It is the same way with the resurrection of the dead. Our earthly bodies are planted in the ground when we die, but they will be raised to live forever. Our bodies are buried in brokenness, but they will be raised in glory. They are buried in weakness, but they will be raised in strength. They are buried as natural human bodies, but they will be raised as spiritual bodies.” (1 Corinthians 15:42-57)

Looking back, I can say my spiritual awakening was born from her death.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011


在我6岁以前的记忆中,我不记得自己认字读书。 在那个时代的幼儿园里,我们有的是强迫的午睡,无尽的玩耍时间。到我女儿的时代,她在学前班就开始认字了,家里更是成架的儿童图书。尽管如此,做父母的恐惧还是怕她落在人后,恨不得她能学每一样才艺,读书写字都比人强。 看看周围的孩子,确实是有这样超强的孩子,我们团契有6岁就能读圣经的孩子,她班上的韩国女孩,写的句子都没有一点拼写问题。想了一段时间,似乎我唯一能做的就是每天每个主题抽10分钟的时间帮她练习, 因为我相信熟能生巧,勤能补拙,铁杵磨针。
